Mise à jour / Update
TRAUMATYS ne peut plus prendre de référence. Désolé !
TRAUMATYS cannot take anymore referrals. Sorry!
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Contact par courriel / Contact by email
Dr. Louise Gaston, PhD
Supervision clinique / Clinical supervision
Dr. Danièle Lapointe, PhD
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Eficacité clinique / Clinical effectiveness
Dès 1991, TRAUMATYS a offert une expertise en trauma.
Selon une étude indépendante, nos professionnels ont obtenu
96 % de rémission du TSPT chez des civils (48 % complète, 48 % partielle).
Since 1991, TRAUMATYS has offered an expertise in trauma.
According to an independent study, our professionals have acheived
96% of PTSD remission in civilians (48% complete, 48% partial).
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Within the Heart of PTSD
Amazing Stories of Gentle Psychotherapy
and Full Trauma Recovery
(free e-book)
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Enseignements / Teachings
– L’intégration thérapeutique pour le TSPT (e-book gratuit)
– Le TSPT et les troubles de la personnalité (e-book gratuit)
– Integrating Treatments for PTSD (free e-book)
– PTSD and Personality Disorders (free e-book)
– Memories of Abuse and the Abuse of Memory (free e-book)
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Échelle d’alliance – CALPAS / Alliance scale – CALPAS
La permission est donnée à quiconque voulant utiliser le
California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale, traduit en plusieurs langues.
(CALPAS Manual, CALPAS-P en français et CALPAS-T en français)
Permission is granted to anyone wishing to use and/or translate the
California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale, translated in many languages.
(CALPAS Manual, with versions for patients, therapists and raters)
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Publications récentes / Recent publications
Gaston, L. (2024). PTSD in Personality Disorders (Theory – Part 1).
Combat Stress , Winter, 24-33.
Gaston, L. (2022). Moving Beyond Survivor Guilt.
Combat Stress, Spring, 22-27.
Rivest-Beauregard, M., Brunet, A., Gaston, L., et al. (2022).
The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5)
Structured Interview for PTSD: A French Language Validation Study.
, 2022, 34(3):e26-e31.
Gaston, L. (2019). Challenging The CBT Dogma To Treat PTSD.
Combat Stress, Fall, 52-63.
Gaston, L. (2019). What Is The Best Mechanism For Remitting PTSD,
Trauma-Focused Or Not? Combat Stress, Summer, 14-23.
Gaston, L. (2019). Challenging Beliefs About Psychotherapy of PTSD.
International Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Psychiatry, 3, 1-11.
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En ces temps incertains / In these uncertain times
Orientation en ces temps incertains – PowerPoint
Orientation in Uncertain Times – PowerPoint