Publications récentes
- Gaston, L. (2023). Trauma-Focused Therapy for PTSD? Really! Ethical and Scientific Concerns via a Clinical Example. Combat Stress, Winter, 34-45.
- Gaston, L. (2022). Moving Beyond Survivor Guilt. Combat Stress, Spring, 22-27.
- Rivest-Beauregard, M., Brunet, A., Gaston, L., et al. (2022). The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5)
Structured Interview for PTSD: A French Language Validation Study. , 2022, 34(3):e26-e31. - Gaston, L. (2020). Adverse Effects of Trauma-Focused Therapies (Part 2). Combat Stress, Autumn, 32-43.
- Gaston, L. (2020). Adverse Effects of Trauma-Focused Therapies (Part 1). Combat Stress, Summer, 40-47.
- Gaston, L. (2020). Researchers’ Biases Wrongly Dictate Therapy For PTSD. Combat Stress, Winter, 36-45.
- Gaston, L. (2019). Challenging The CBT Dogma To Treat PTSD. Combat Stress, Fall, 52-63.
- Gaston, L. (2019). What Is The Best Mechanism For Remitting PTSD, Trauma-Focused Or Not?Combat Stress, Summer, 14-23.
- Gaston, L. (2019). Challenging Beliefs about the Psychotherapy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). International Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Psychiatry: Theory Research & Clinical Practice, 3, 1-11.
- Gaston, L. (2017). Les mécanismes divergents des thérapies focalisées sur le trauma ou non pour le stress post-traumatique. Journal International de Victimologie, 34, 60-70.
Un livre décrivant des histoires de psychothérapie
Within the Heart of PTSD:
Amazing Stories of Gentle Psychotherapy and Full Trauma Recovery
(free e-book)
”Louise, je voulais te partager que j’ai enfin lu ton livre Within the heart of PTSD et je l’ai dévoré en 2 jours. Je l’ai trouvé très touchant ; on y sent bien toute ton humanité. C’est aussi un beau message d’espoir.” Marie
Documents cliniques et scientifiques
• Easy, Easy with PTSD (Gaston, 2016)
• Limitations of Trauma-Focused Therapies for Treating PTSD: A Perspective (Gaston, 2015, 2017)
CALPAS (California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales)
• CALPAS – Manual
• CALPAS-Thérappeute – Français
Documents professionnels
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